New site, new tricks
Welcome to my new website!
Once again my internal coder has raised his head and here is the result. My blog has got a brand new look and style. The new site is based on WordPress content management system, so this ain’t only a blog no more. In addition, website got also a new great address, www.lansipaltta.fi.
The main purpose of these pages is to tell about my hobbies. Don’t fear, I’m not going to talk about any workout or sports. These pages will purely focus on handicrafts, and in particular the one of my biggest passions, puukkos. This website is therefore dedicated to the all kind of handiwork what I have done over the ages and what I will do in future.
Because the site’s appearance as well as the content is under construction. I would appreciate if I could get feedback about the functionality, content, misspelling, etc. All feedback is most welcome, whether it’s brickbats or bouquets. Contact details could be found here. In addition, if you want to have a finger on the pulse and to get the latest writings immediately at your fingertips. You can order them straight to your inbox over there, the bottom right corner (Follow button).
PS. If you miss the old blog. It still exist and can be found from address: lansipaltta.blogspot.com.
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